It is estimated that about 20 percent of the United States population – approximately one in five people in the U.S. – has an STI.

We provide testing and treatment for the two most common STIs – Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

Symptoms of STIs

It is possible to have an STI and experience no symptoms at all. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of an STI:

  • An abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • A painful or burning sensation when peeing
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods

Who should be tested for a STIs?

Anyone who has had any type of sexual activity with one or more partners should be tested.

Barrier methods, such as condoms, may help reduce the risk of contracting an STI, but these methods are only risk reduction, not risk elimination.

What to expect at your appointment

  • A nurse will complete a Medical History and Assessment to determine the appropriate testing based on your sexual practices and health history
  • A nurse will oversee sample collection for testing
  • Results will be available in approximately 3-5 business days and given at a follow-up appointment or over the phone
  • For positive results, a nurse will review treatment guidelines and call in a prescription during the results appointment

Contact us to schedule your STI test