How Long Is a Normal Menstrual Cycle?

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is unique, but on average, a normal menstrual cycle is 28 days long. However, many factors can impact the regularity and length of a menstrual cycle.  Understanding the typical length of your menstrual cycle can help you recognize what is normal for you and identify any potential issues that may require

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What Are the Signs of Ovulation?

Ovulation is a key phase in the menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovary and ready for fertilization. For menstrual cycles that average 28 days long, ovulation normally occurs 14 days before your period begins.  If you are trying to conceive or avoid pregnancy, understanding the signs of ovulation can help since

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What If I Change My Mind After Placing My Baby for Adoption?

If you are pregnant and considering the best choice for you and your baby, you may be thinking about the idea of adoption but are worried that you will regret the choice once you have your baby. Legally, you cannot sign any paperwork that legalizes your baby’s adoption until 72 hours after birth, so you

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Can I Get Help With Pregnancy Expenses if I Choose Adoption?

Trying to decide on the best outcome for your unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, especially if there are financial constraints.  If you are considering adoption for your unplanned pregnancy, some of your pregnancy-related expenses are eligible to be covered.  Read this article to understand some of the costs that can be covered by the adoption

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Can I Get Paid to Place My Baby for Adoption?

While adoption is a viable choice for women facing unplanned pregnancies, it is illegal for them to receive financial compensation in exchange for placing the child for adoption. In the state of Minnesota, adoptive families can cover reasonable pregnancy-related expenses, including healthcare and living expenses for the mother during her pregnancy. How Much Does an

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How do I choose the family that will adopt my baby?

If you’ve narrowed down your pregnancy outcome choices to adoption, there are still a lot of decisions. The most important one is choosing the family who will get to adopt and raise your baby. This decision may seem daunting, but you do not have to do this alone!  Keep reading for helpful suggestions on selecting

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How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant

One of the hardest parts of an unexpected pregnancy can be telling your loved ones, especially if you’re unsure of their reaction or dread disappointing them. Read this article for tips on approaching these conversations thoughtfully and confidently.  Preparing to Tell Your Boyfriend Because he is the father, it’s probably best to tell your boyfriend

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How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

It shows that you’re a compassionate friend if you’re seeking ways to support a friend going through an unplanned pregnancy. The news of an unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming. That’s when women need their support systems to be there for them. Look at these suggestions to support your friend as she navigates this challenging situation.

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Top 7 Pregnancy Symptoms

Suspect you’re pregnant? There are some common symptoms to be aware of. But you should get an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy. Read this article to learn about the symptoms associated with early pregnancy. Missed Period A missed period can be the biggest sign of an early pregnancy. If your periods are usually regular, wait

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