When facing an unexpected pregnancy, the scariest part can be the unknown:

  • What would an abortion procedure be like?
  • What would my future look like if I chose adoption instead?

While a lot of online advice presents abortion as a convenient solution to unexpected pregnancies, there are often consequences that are not always adequately shared with women so they can make a truly informed choice. 

Read this article to learn more about the realistic outcomes of both pregnancy choices.

What do I Need to Know about Abortion?

Rather than just investigating what the procedure itself entails, make sure you understand the risks, side effects, and potential impact an abortion can have on your quality of life.

Abortion Risks

Like any medical procedure, there is always a risk that comes with a surgical or medical abortion. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, the risks of surgical abortion include :

  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall
  • Infection

The risks of medical abortion include:

  • Infection
  • Fever 
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion (which may require surgical treatment)
  • An ongoing pregnancy (if the drugs don’t work)

Abortion Side Effects

Some of the side effects you may experience with medical abortion and surgical abortion are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Feeling faint

You will always have abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding with either type of abortion. 

Abortion Can Impact Your Mental Health

A study has shown that some women who undergo an abortion experience elevated levels of mental illness compared to women who do not. 

In one study, researcher and professor David Fergusson established a connection between women who have had an abortion and an increased risk of anxiety, suicidal behavior, and substance abuse.

No two journeys are alike, but consider the potential impact that an abortion may have on your mental health.

What Do I Need to Know About Adoption?

Like any choice, there are benefits and disadvantages to adoption, but you deserve to have the complete picture to decide what is the best fit for your situation.

Adoption Options

When you make an adoption plan, you can customize it, and you have complete control over who the adoptive family is. Here are several options to be aware of if you’re considering an adoption plan:

  • Open adoptions make up the majority of plans in the US. This type of adoption is where you have open communication with your adoptive family and continue to build a relationship with them and the child.
  • Semi-open adoptions are not as common but allow an additional layer of privacy. An attorney or adoption agency would be the third party exchanging communication between the birth parent and the adoptive family.
  • Closed adoptions are the most private choice because the court seals all confidential or identifying information about you and your situation.

If you choose adoption, the adoption agency or the adoptive family may cover your healthcare and living expenses. You will also never pay for adoption services.

How Will Adoption Affect My Mental Health?

Adoption is an emotionally complex topic, so you will probably feel a range of emotions leading up to or even after the official adoption.

Regret, loss, or grief are all common emotions.

However, women who choose adoption also have the satisfaction of knowing that they placed their baby in a loving family. If they choose an open adoption, they have the benefit of a continued relationship with their child.

You will also have the support of an adoption counselor as you navigate this process.

Next Steps

At Elevier Women’s Center, we offer no-cost options consultations, during which you can learn more about each option and connect to adoption resources, such as referrals to reputable adoption agencies.

You deserve to feel heard, informed, and supported. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!