Sometimes prenatal testing or screening reveals an unexpected diagnosis of a serious disease, deformity, or chromosomal disorder. Initial fear or medical care providers may lead a woman toward abortion. In these circumstances, a woman may want to get a second opinion due to the possibility of false-positive test results. Perhaps she may simply want to get additional information before making a decision.

Connecting with other parents who have children with the same or a similar condition has the ability to bring comfort and a new perspective. This connection with those who have knowledge of the benefits of medical care and useful therapies, support groups, and the everyday realities of caring for their children, allows a woman to see beyond the diagnosis and consider parenting her child or placing her child for adoption in a family she may feel is better able to provide for his or her needs.

Prenatal Partners for Life

This Minnesota organization provides support, information, and encouragement for women and families with an adverse prenatal diagnosis, as well as support for raising children with special needs after birth. Prenatal Partners for Life (

SOFT (Support Organization for Trisomy)

SOFT is a valuable resource for patients and families seeking information about support and medical subjects. Resources include a free e-booklet “Care of the Infant and Child with Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 13”. Support Organization for Trisomy (

International Trisomy Alliance

ITA offers trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 support groups, physicians, and other professionals’ accurate information and resources. Resources include booklet “Preparing for your Baby’s Arrival”. International Trisomy Alliance (

Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota

This organization provides information and support to people with Down syndrome, their families, and their communities. Their website includes an Expectant Parent page and a New Parent page. Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota (

National Down Syndrome Adoption Network

The mission of this organization is to ensure that every child born with Down syndrome has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family. There are no fees for any of the services of the NDSAN. National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (